SLC COMUTER [Modular Programming + File Handling + C Language]

Chapter 9 [Modular Programming + File Handling + C Language]

1.      What is modular programming?
2.      What are the advantages of modular programming?
3.      What is main module?
4.      What is sub module?
5.      What is sub program?
6.      Differentiate between parameter and argument.
7.      Differentiate between local variable and global variable.
8.      Differentiate between passing argument by value and passing argument by reference.
9.      What is user defined function?
10.  What is library or built-in function?
11.  What is module?
12.  What are the two types of procedures in QBasic?
13.  Differentiate between main module and sub module.
14.  Write any four features of sub program.
15.  Differentiate between function and sub program.
16.  Write any four features of function program.
17.  What is program file?
18.  What is data file?
19.  What is random access data file?
20.  What is sequential access data file?
21.  What do you mean by mode of operation?
22.  List the types of mode of operation.
23.  What is output mode?
24.  What is input mode?
25.  What is append mode?
26.  What do you mean by open statement?
27.  Write down the function of WRITE statement.
28.  Write down the function of CLOSE statement.
29.  Write down the function of PRINT statement.
30.  Differentiate between WRITE and PRINT statement.
31.  Differentiate between OUTPUT and INPUT mode.
32.  Write down the function of EOF ( ) function.
33.  Write down the function of LINE INPUT statement.
34.  Write down the function of INPUT$ ( ) function.
35.  Write down the function of NAME statement.
36.  Write down the function of KILL statement.
37.  Write down the function of RMDIR statement.
38.  Write down the function of CHDIR statement.
39.  Write down the function of RMDIR statement.
40.  Write down the function of FILES statement.
41.  Write down the types of file.
42.  What is file?
43.  What are the advantages of creating a data file?
44.  Differentiate between data file and program file.
45.  Differentiate between INPUT# and LINE INPUT# statement.
46.  What is the use of file number of the data file? Write the range of the file number.
47.  What is procedure?
48.  Why Qbasic is called modular programming?
49.  Differentiate between user defined function and user defined function.
50.  Differentiate between formal and real parameters.
51.  What is file handling?
52.  Write the types of data files supported by QBasic.
53.  What is sub routine?
54.  Write the purpose of CALL statement.
55.  Write the purpose of FUNCTION….END FUNCTION
56.  Write the purpose of SUB….END SUB.
57.  Write the purpose of DECLARE statement.
58.  Write the purpose of SHARED statement.
59.  Write the purpose of DIM SHARED statement.
60.  Write the purpose of COMMON SHARED statement.
61.  Write down the function of OPEN statement.
62.  What are the different types of data types in QBasic?
63.  Which keyword is used to declare global variable?
64.  Write the function of SHELL statement.
65.  Write the function of DIM statement.
66.  Why is data file opened?
67.  What are the different types of argument?
68.   How can we pass v the content through module to procedure
69.   What is benefit of function?    
70.  Write difference of INPUT and INPUT #2.
71.  How modular programming is carried out in QBASIC?
72.  Write importance of modular programming.
73.  What is C language?
74.  Why is C called structured programming language.
75.  Why is C called middle level language.
76.  List any four data types used in C language.
77.  List any four keywords of C language.
78.  What are operators? What are the different types of operators in C language.
79.  Who developed C language and when?
80.  Differentiate between C language and QBasic.
81.  What do you mean by looping? Name the looping statement provided by C language.
82.  Give any four features of C language.
83.  Define structured programming language.
84.  Write any two selection structure of C language.
85.  What is data modifier?
86.  What are keywords?
87.  What is variable?
88.  Write the rules for naming variable in C.
89.  What is arithmetic operator? Give examples.
90.  What is unary operator? Give examples.
91.  What is relational operator? Give examples.
92.  What is logical operator? Give examples.
93.  What is control flow statement? List its types.
94.  What is decision making statement? List its types.
95.  What is loop in C? list its types.
96.  What are function in C?
97.  What is needed for user defined function?
98.  Write structure of a program in C language.
99.  Write down any two advantages of structural programming.
100.                      List the different access modes of sequential data file in QBASIC.


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