SLC COMPUTER [Internet and Services]
Chapter 2 [Internet and Services]
1. What is internet?
2. Explain brief history of internet?
3. Who controls the internet?
4. What are the components required for internet connection?
5. What is ISDN?
6. What is satellite connection?
7. What is cable connection?
8. What is dial up connection?
9. List any four services of internet.
10.What is WWW? Explain.
11.Why is internet called network of networks?
12.Define HTML.
13.Define HTTP.
14.What is email?
15.How has email simplified the mode of communication?
16.What is ISP?
17.Give any four name of ISPs of Nepal.
18.What are newsgroups?
19.What is telnet?
20.What is FTP?
21.What is upload?
22.What is download?
23.What is IRC?
24.What is internet telephony?
25.Differentiate between chat and video conferencing.
26.What is e-commerce?
27.Name any four e-commerce web sites.
28.What is video conference?
29.Write any two basic requirements of video conference.
30.Differentiate between web page and web site
31.Differentiate between email and e-fax.
32.What is URL?
33.Explain the parts of URL.
34.List some internet security measures.
35.What is web browser?
36.Name any four examples of web browser
37.What is search engine?
38.Give any four examples of search engine.
39.What is browsing?
40.Name some of the most popular internet connections.
41.Why FTP is necessary in the internet?
42.What is the role of internet in business and education?
44.Why do we need internet?
45.Write importance of Internet?
46.Write importance of Internet in education.
47.Write any two advantages of Email comparing to postal Mail system.
48.What is the use of web browser?
49.What is the use of FTP?
50.What is the difference between internet and email?
51.What is the purpose of search engine?
52.How is internet different than intranet?
53. Compare e-mail with traditional postal mail.
54.Write any four advantages of internet.
55.Write any four disadvantages of Internet.
56.List two protocols for handling email.
57.Write down any four uses of internet.
58.How can you get connected to Local Server of ISPs for Internet access? List any two means.
59.Give an example of valid E-mail I.D.
60.What are the advantages of WWW?
61.What is web surfing?
62.Name some free email service providers.
63.Name the most popular software used for video conferencing.
64.How is TELNET service of internet useful?
65.What is online education?
66.List any four important rules that should be followed while communicating on the internet.
67.What is ADSL?
68.What is CDMA?
69.What is broadband?
70.What is web server?
71.What is home page?
72.What is web portal?
73.What is hyperlink?
74.What is blog?
75.What is e-learning?
76.What is social networking?
77.Why internet is called mother of all networks?
78.What is internet address?
79.What is DNS?
80.What is TCP/IP?
81.What is the role of ISP?
82.What is web address?
83.List any two advantages of video conferencing.
84.What is host name?
85.How does internet work?
86.Write down the technical evolution of internet.
87.What is internet server and internet client?
88.What is e-banking?
89.What are the benefits of social networking?
90.Who is blogger?
91.Differentiate between web server and web browser.
92.Write the names of any two popular websites used for locating required information from various web sites.
93.Name any two protocol used by web?
94.What is the significance of HTTP?
95.What is spider software? What does it do?
96.What is broadband internet?
97.What is e-fax?
98.What is extranet?
99.Differentiate between intranet and extranet.
100. Define wi-fi and wi-max.