Chapter 8 [Ms-Access]

1.      What is database?
2.      Give four examples of database.
3.      Differentiate between data and table.
4.      State the advantages of managing database information in access.
5.      Differentiate between database and database management system.
6.      Differentiate between computerized and non-computerized database.
7.      What is data? Write with examples.
8.      Differentiate between data and information.
9.      Differentiate between record and table.
10.  What is MS-Access?
11.  Define DBMS with example.
12.  Define RDBMS with example.
13.  List any four features of DBMS.
14.   List any four features of MS-Access?
15.  Define the term of input mask and relationship.
16.  What is caption?
17.  What are the different objects of MS-Access?
18.  What is data type?
19.  Write any four data types of MS-Access.
20.  List any four types of field properties used by MS-Access.
21.  What is validation rule? Define validation text.
22.  Differentiate between text and memo.
23.  What is field size?
24.   What is the use of ‘Format’ field property?
25.  Write down the use of Lookup Wizard and Hyperlink data types.
26.  Define indexing. Mention its types.
27.  Define relationship with its types.
28.  What is referential integrity?
29.  Define field.
30.  Differentiate between field and record.
31.  While designing table structure which data types are suitable to store information about teacher’s name, address, salary and date of birth.
32.  What happens when we enter text in a numeric field?
33.  What is Primary key? Why is it needed?
34.  Write any two uses of Primary key?
35.  What is composite and foreign key?
36.  Define sorting and filtering in MS-Access.
37.  How is sorting different from filtering?
38.  What are the advantages of sorting?
39.  What are the advantages of form over table?
40.  How can data redundancy be controlled in MS-Access?
41.  Define table. Write different ways to create a table.
42.  What is form? Mention the methods to create a form.
43.  What are the different controls used in form?
44.  Define query. Mention different types of query.
45.  What are the advantages of query?
46.  What are the purposes of query in MS-Access?
47.   What is select query? For what it can be used?
48.  What is update query?
49.  Write the append query?
50.  Differentiate between select query and action query.
51.  What is report? List any two methods to create report.
52.  What is the importance of report?
53.  Why is report created?
54.  What is the data source for report?
55.  Differentiate between form and report.
56.  Differentiate between Form and Query.
57.  Why do we sort records?
58.  Write the two uses of form.
59.  Write the two uses of query.
60.  Write the advantages of sorting data over unsorted data.
61.  Write the importance of primary key.
62.  Why is data validation used?
63.  How can data redundancy be controlled in Ms-Access?
64.  What is the use of primary key in a table?
65.  what are the basic properties of attributes?
66.  why do you define primary key in a table? Give reasons.
67.  What are the major components of Ms-Access? Write short notes on criteria.
68.  What are the two advantages of using form?
69.  Write the two components of table?
70.  Difference  between input mask and validation rule.
71.  Mention the type of query.
72.  What is data property?
73.  List any two purposes of database.
74.   Why is table called the most basic object? Give any four properties of table.
75.   Show the differences between select query and data filter.
76.  What is the importance of Validation Rule in database?
77.  What do you mean by formatting a table?
78.  Define validation rule and default value field property.
79.  Is MS-Access RDBMS? If yes, explain.
80.  Define DAB. List the major roles of DAB in managing database.
81.  A field in the database contains information about certain type for all records. Justify this statement with examples.
82.  What is Field Name? How long it can be?
83.  Differentiate between Update Query and Select Query.
84.  Why is reporter created?
85.  What data types are used to store salary and date of the birth?
86.  Write any two things to be considered after assigning primary key for a field.
87.  What is secondary key?
88.  What is the data source for report?
89.  Why table or query is needed to create a form?
90.  Write the names of any four form layouts.
91.  List all the layouts of a report.
92.  List any two layout of a form.
93.  List any four advantages of database.
94.  List any four disadvantages of database.
95.  What is relational database?
96.  What is an object?
97.  What are wild card characters?
98.  What is parameter query?
99.  What is cell?
100.                      Who is DBA? Write his/her responsibilities.


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