Questions collection Q BASIC Program
1) Wap to check whether a number is armstrong or not.
2) Wap to display reverse form of a input word.
3) Wap to check whether a number is palindrome of not.
4) Wap to print only the vowels for a given word.
5) Wap to ask 2 numbers and find H.C.F. and L.C.M. of given number.
6) Wap to check whether the first character of the word is capital, small or numerical.
7) Wap to ask n numbers and display them in ascending order.
8) Wap to enter full name and display the initials only.
9) Wap to convert time in seconds into exact hours, minutes and seconds.
10) Wap to convert binary into decimal.
11) Wap to convert decimal no. into binary.
12) Wap to find factorial number.
13) Wap to find ab without using the exponent sign(^)
14) Wap to input name and show in ascending order.