Questions collection of file of QBASIC
1. WAP
to create a sequential data file “std.dat” to store Name and Mark obtained in
English,Math and Science subjects for a few students.
2. WAP
to create a data file “PERSON.DAT” to store person’s Name, Address, Telephone
number and district of N different
3. WAP
to create a serial file having variable length records of name, department and
telephone number. Telephone number should be in between 2000000 to 9999999.
4. WAP
to create a data file STD.DAT which stores Roll number,Name,Class and age of 10
different students. Age of students must be in between 15 to 19.
5. WAP
to create a data file named “store.dat” which stores the following data: Serial
number, Book name, Author name and ISBN number.Add the data as user’s choice.
6. WAP
to create a data file named “store.dat” which stores the following data: Roll
number, name and class of N number of students.
7. WAP
to create a data file (MARK.DAT) and
store a name, address and marks in any three subjects for five students.
8. A
school administrator has the following data, i.e. staff name, department name
and salary in a data file named “record.dat”. WAP to display all the data of
school staff that belongs to computer department.
9. WAP
to create a data file “Suraj.dat” and store name,marks obtained in
English,math,science and computer of students. The program terminates on user’s
10. WAP to delete records, i.e. roll number,name and
telephone number of a student from a data file “std.dat”.
11. Write a menu driven BASIC Program to habdle
the following cases:
Case 1: to enter data refer to name,address and phone number of 10
persons into a sequential data file
Case 2: to display records from
ADD.DAT data file
12. WAP
to search and display only those records whose percentage is more than 60% from
the data file “RESULT.DAT” which contains student’s Symbol number,Data of
birth, Total Marks, Percentage and Division.
13. A
data file “EXAM.DAT” has 100 records with student’s name,class and marks in 3
subjects. Print all the records where marks in each subject>=45.
14. To
count and display all the records existing in a sequential data file which name
is input by the user.
15. A
data contains the names of student and mark of three subjects for N number of
students. WAP to display the data for only those student whose toral mark is
greater than 100 but less than 150.
16. WAP
to store records regarding the information of Book number, Book’s name and
Writer’s name in a sequential data file called “Library.dat”.
17. A
sequential data file called “Marks.dat” contains Roll number,Name, English,
Nepali and maths fields.WAP to display all the contents of the data file.
18. WAP
to create a sequential data file “EMPLOYEE.DAT” to store employees’ name,
Address, Age, Gender and Salary.
19. A
data file “LIB.TXT” consists of Book’s name, Author’s name and price of books. WAP to count and display
the total number of records present in the file.
20. A
sequential data file “EMP.DAT” contains name, post and salary fields of
information about employees.WAP to display all the information of employees
along with tax amount also(tax is 15% of salary).
21. WAP
to create a data file “SALES.DAT” , store Item code, Item name,Quantity and
Rate per quantity.The program should run as per user choice.
22. A
data file “SALES.DAT” consists Item code, Item name,Quantity and Rate per item
of different brands. WAP that allows us
to read the information from the file and display the above mentioned along
with the total amount.
23. A
data file “SALES.DAT” consists Item code, Item name,Quantity and Rate per item
of different brands.WAP that allows us to read the information from the file
and display the total number of existing records.
24. WAP
to create a data file “SALES.DAT” to store item code,item name,Qty and rate per
item for 5 items. Also WAP that allows us to read the information from the file
and display total number of existing records.
25. WAP to open a data file “STAFF.DAT” in output
mode and store information of employees. Data file should store information
such as employee name, post, department
and salary of five different persons.
26. WAP
to read the information from the data file “STAFF.DAT” which consists many records with many fields name such as
name,post,department and salary.Also display the records having salary greater
or equal to 12000 or having post “MANAGER”.
27. WAP
to open the data file “BOOK.DAT” with the fields of information such as Book
title, Author and Price in input mode and copy all the records having price
more than 500 into new data file “COSTLY.DAT”.
28. WAP
to read the information from the data file “STAFF.TXT” which consists of many
records with many fields name such as name,post,department and salary. Also
increase the salary by Rs. 2000 to all employees.
29. WAP
to read the information from the data file “STAFF.DAT” and find the greatest
salary which consists of many records with many fields name such as
name,post,department and salary.
30. WAP
to add new data to the already created data file name “STAFF.DAT” which has
fields name,post,department and salary for a few persons.