
Showing posts from 2013

Practice DAY 4

1. Answer the following questions: (a) what is internet? How does it differ from Intranet? (b) List the reasons for wireless network with diagram. (c) What do you understand by the term virus? (d) What are the major objects of MS-Access? 2. State whether the following statements are true or false: (a) A control is a graphical object added to a form. (b) We can use query to display table information. 3. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word/s: (a) Computer virus any other program. (b) The virus that destroys the boot record of the computer is............. (c) In MS-Access table can be created by Design View, Wizard View and ................. (d) In a database table the information/data entered under each field is called.................. 4. Select the best alternative from the options given: (a) Faster communication is possible through:   (i) Coaxial Cable   (ii) Microwave  (iii)Fiber Optic Cable  (iv) All  of abo...

Practice DAY 3

1. Answer the following questions: (a) 'Computer network reduces cost.' Give any two strong points to support this statement. (b) What is internet? Give any two examples of popular web browser software. (c) Give one positive and negative impact of computer in our society. (d) what is ISDN? List out the services provided by ISDN. 2. State whether the following statements are true or false: (a) A virus has the capability of making copy itself. (b) Multimedia computer do not require large amount of memory. 3. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word/s: (a) The cyber Law was introduced in the year 2061 in Nepal. (b) The detecting and deleting the virus is done by using Anti Virus programs. (c) A computer which is capable of handling texts, graphics, audios, animations and videos is called Multimedia computer. (d) A network topology refers to the physical layout of the network. 4. Give the appropriate technical terms: (a) The visual communication of partie...

Practice DAY 2

1. Answer the following questions: (a) What do you mean by computer security? List out some of the hardware and software security to protect the computer. (b) What do you mean by communication? (c) What is an FAQ? Illustrate any two services provide by internet. 2. State whether the following statements are true or false: (a) Telephone is the example of simplex communication. (b) Modem combines the analog and digital signals and sends through internet. 3. Select the best alternative from the options given: (a) One of the benefits of using network is:  (i) Easy access of program and information.   (ii) The ability to share peripheral devices.   (iii) Both of the above   (iv) None of the above (b) CU-SEE Me is an example of  (i)teleconferencing (ii) videoconferencing  (iii) NOS  (iv)  None of bove (c) Network topology that works with the help of single back bone cable is:   (i)Star  (ii) Ring   (iii) Linear  ...

Practice DAY 1

Answer the following questions: What is a computer network?Write down advantages and disadvantages of computer network. Write short Introduction of MS-Access.Write down some features. What is sub Procedure? 2. State whether the following statements are true or false: The online business through internet refers to e-commerce. At the beginning internet used to be called as ARPAN. 3. Select the best alternative from the options given: (a) Which is the service provided by internet? (i)Email  (ii) E-Business (iii)  News Group (iv) All of the above (b) A UPS (i) Increase the storage capacity of a computer system. (ii) Increase the process speed. (iii) Provides backup power in the event of a power cut (iv) All of above. (c) 4 MB equal to (i) 4GB   (ii)  4096 KB  (iii)  Both   (iv) None of these 4. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word/s: (a) One of the major steps to have a long life of computer system is....


A. Answer the following questions from programming: What is a variable? Mention its types. Read the following program and answer the following questions: DECLARE FUNCTION check(a) CLS FOR i=1 TO 4      READ n      IF check(n)=1 THEN          PRINT n      END IF NEXT i DATA 256,432,125,361 END FUNCTION check(n)  s=SQR(n) IF s=INT(s) THEN   check=1 ELSE   check=0 END IF END FUNCTION What is the output of the above program? Does the program give output if INT( ) function is replaced by FIX( ) function? If FOR i=1 TO 4 is changed as FOR i=1 TO 5, then will the program run? why? Replace the FOR ...NEXT loop with WHILE ...WEND loop. 3. Write down the output of the following progam. FOR i=1 TO 10    READ N    B=N MOD 5    IF B=0 THEN       c=c+1   END IF NEXT i DATA 7,15,6,10,15,32,8,22,5 PRINT c END 4. Rewrit...

QBASIC Statement

A QBASIC statement is a command to perform certain task. The followings are QBASIC statement  CLS PRINT END LET INPUT REM 1. CLS Syntax     CLS It clears the screen. eg. CLS 2. PRINT Syntax PRINT "Control String";Variable list It is used to print values of variables . Eg. CLS A=12 PRINT "The value of A is ";A END The output of the given program will be  The value of A is 12  3. END   Syntax   END  It terminates the program. E.g. CLS A= 23 PRINT A END 4. INPUT  Syntax INPUT "Control String";Variable It allows us to enter a value from keyboard and assign this value in variable. E.g. CLS INPUT "Enter a number1";N1 INPUT "ENter a number2";N2 S=N1+N2 PRINT "Sum of two numbers is ";S END This program allows us to input two numeric values and assign these value in variable N1 and N2 . The Program can calculate sum of these tw...


Keywords are those words which have special meanings in QBASIC. Keywordsare formed by using characters of QBASIC Characters Set. Keywords are statements, commands, functions (built in functions) and  names of  operators. The keywords are also called Reserved Words. Some reserved words are CLS, REM, INPUT, LET, PRINT, FOR, DO, SELECT, MID$, ASC, SQR, LEN, LEFT$, TIME$ and INT.


A set of characters that are allowed to use in Q BASIC is known as the QBASIC Character Set. The QBASIC Character Set consists of alphabets (both small and capital), numbers (0 to 9) and special characters. These special characters have their own meaning and function. The table below s hows the special characters used in QBASIC. QBASIC keywords and variables are formed by using the characters defined in the QBASIC Character Set.

Operator in QBASIC

An operator is a symbol which tells the computer to perform certain mathematical and logical calculation. Types of operator Mathematical Operators Relational Operators Logical Operators 1. Mathematical Operators Opetrator Meaning Example + addition 2+2 - subtraction 5+2 * multiplication 2*2 / division 2/2 \ Integer division (It gives the integer value) 2\2 MOD modulus (It gives remainder) 3 MOD 2 ^ exponent 2^2 2. Relational Operator Opetrator Meaning Example < less than 2<3   > greater than 5>2 <= less than or equal to 2<=3 >= greater than or equal to 2>=2 = equal to 2=2 <> not equal to 3 <> 2 3. Logical Operator Opetrator Meaning Example AND Logical AND OR Logical OR NOT Logical NOT

Constant in QBASIC

A contstant is a variable whose value do not change during the execution of a program. A constant is something a universal value like value of pi, value of g, value of G, value of e in science. In QBASIC the constant can be declared by using CONST keyword. Syntax: CONST variable=Value Types of Constant Numeric constant String constant 1. Numeric constant: A constant which can hold numeric value is called numeric constant. e.g. CONST pi=22/7 CONST g=9.8 2. String constant: A canstant which can hold string value is called string constant. e.g. CONST N$="Ramesh" CONST place$="Kirtipur 7, Kathmandu" Note:  Keyword is a reserved word which has fixed meaning . e.g.  CONST for declaring constant PRINT for displaying value in console screen

Variable in QBASIC

A variable is a quantity which can store value in computer memory. A variable is also a quantity whose value changes during the execution of a program. Like in mathematics a variable holds certain value Just in QBASIC; it is a placeholder for storing value in computer memory.  Some rules for making variable The first character always start with letter (i.e. lowercase or uppercase letter). The first character should not begin with numbers (i.e. numeric character). The string variable always ends with dollar ($) symbol. The maximum variable length must be 40 characters Types of variable Numeric Variable String Variable 1. Numeric variable: A variable which can store numeric value is called numeric variable. e.g. A=12 pi=3.14 c=79.89 2. String variable: A variable which can store string variable is called String variable. String is a array of character enclosed within the double inverted comma. e.g.  N$="ram"  Place$="Kirtipur Ka...

Introduction to QBASIC Programming

Introduction QBASIC stands for Quick Beginner's All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code It is a high level programming language developed in 1964. It is easy to learn. It was developed by Kemeny and Kurtz Some characters recognized by QBASIC character           Name -                            Dash +                           Plus sign *                            Multiplication sign or Asterisk /                             Slash or division \                             Backslash or integer division                             ...